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كيف توازن بين حياتك وعملك في مجال الضيافة ؟
Work-Life Balance in Hospitality Industry
Online Class

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مبادئ إدارة مطابخ الفنادق مع شيف أنوب أشرف
Build & Lead Hotel Kitchens for Efficiency
Online Class

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فن التذوق: دليل النكهات ومكسبات الطعم مع شيف مصطفى الرفاعي
The Art of Taste: A Guide to Flavors
Online Class

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سلامة الغذاء في المطاعم مع علاء معبد
Food Safety in Restaurants
Online Class

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كيف يبدأ الشيف حياته المهنية مع شيف عصام سيد
How to Start Your Chef Career?
Online Class

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التدرج الوظيفي للطهاة
Kitchen Brigade System
Online Class

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أساسيات تحضير القهوة للباريستا
Fundamentals of Coffee Brewing for Barista
Online Class

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أساسيات إدارة وتنظيم فريق العمل في المطاعم
Restaurant Staff Management
Online Class

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أدوات ومعدات المطابخ

Kitchen Tools & Equipment

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المطابخ السحابية

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تصميم وبناء المطاعم

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اشتراطات بناء فنادق صديقة للبيئة

New from iHORECA
3 Key Environmental Factors for Building Eco-Friendly Hotels
Learn more about the environmental guidelines and recommendations necessary to build and operate eco-friendly hotels
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Latest Articles

What are green hotels and sustainable tourism?
Explore the green hotels concept and the practices they follow to earn the green star
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Chef & Kitchen
7 Key principles to be a professional chef?
Discover the key principles that help chefs master the culinary arts & achieve excellence
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Restaurant & Cafe
What are Michelin Stars and how to earn one?
Learn more about the history of Michelin guide and how restaurants are reviewed
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Restaurant & Cafe

Why restaurants are going zero waste?
Discover the main reason why restaurants are moving towards zero waste practices
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Chef & Kitchen

How to hire the perfect chef for your restaurant ?
Special tips to help you hire the perfect chef for your restaurant
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الفنادق الاستشفائية


26% Growth Rate for Wellness Hotels 

Learn about wellness hotels and their impact on hospitality sector
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إيرادات الفنادق


Hotel Revenues to reach Half Trillion $ by 2028

Discover the latest forecast for hotel revenues by the year 2028
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تريندات الفنادق


8 Trends for Hotels in 2024 

Discover the latest trends in hotels and the hospitality industry
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يونيفورم فريق الفندق


Latest trends for Hotel staff uniforms

Explore the latest fashion trends in the hospitality industry
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استراتيجية الـ ٩٠ دقيقة في المطاعم


The "90 Minutes" Strategy in restaurants

explore the new method of increasing table turnover in restaurants
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استراتيجيات لتحسين خدمة الفنادق


5 Strategies to improve service quality in hotels

Learn the different strategies to enhance service level in hotels
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Interviews & Coverages

Featured Articles

Vision AI in restaurants
How are restaurants utilizing vision AI?

An introduction to the role & impact of Visual AI in the foodservice sector

Restaurant team retention advices
Advices for retaining your restaurant's team

A detailed guide for restaurant managers to increase staff retention

Barista Guide: Mastering the Art of Coffee
Barista Guide: Mastering the art of making coffee

Essential principles & standards for baristas to master preparing & serving coffee

What are Zero Waste Restaurants ?
What are Zero-Waste restaurants?

Learn more about zero-waste concept restaurant and its role in the foodservice sector

Top Picks

التدرج الوظيفي للطهاة

Chef & Kitchen

What is the kitchen brigade system?

Discover the different chefs specialities in the commercial kitchens
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10 Egg Substitutes for Vegan Recipes

Chef & Kitchen

10 egg alternatives for vegan recipes

Various alternatives for the eggs to be used in recipes

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What are cloud kitchens and their different models?

Chef & Kitchen

What are cloud kitchens & their models?

Explore the different types of cloud kitchens operating models

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Restaurant & Cafe

How is HACCP applied in restaurants?

Essential steps to apply HACCP standards in your restaurant
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Featured Topic

Talks by iHORECA

The Ice Cream Industry in Egypt |
 Dara Ghosheh
Tips for starting a restaurant business |  Tarek Ibrahim
Advices for chefs participating in competitions |  Salma Saleh
The national chefs team preparations |  Hany Hamed

Expert Words

شيف ياسمين طايع

Using yeast basics | Yasmine Tayea
Tips & tricks by Chef Yasmine Tayea in using yeast in preparing ideal recipes in commercial kitchens

شيف ماجد محسن

Taking new career steps | Maged Mohsen
Chef Maged Mohsen discusses with the young chefs the business challenges & presents solutions to face them

شيف شرمين مؤنس

Women's role in F&B | Shermeen Moenes
Inspirations words from Chef Shermeen Moenes regarding the women's role & successes in the F&B sector

Quotes from Articles


الفائزين في مسابقة أفضل مطعم بمعرض هيس ٢٠٢٢